Weirdos at the YMCA

So I joined the YMCA because they had a pool and I needed to start swimming twice a week to train for the triathlon. First, I go to the Cardio room to do some jogging; I’m very pleased, I did a ten minute mile (for me that is awesome). While huffing and puffing, I notice…

Semi Naked Tri Training Fail

I tried to do the swim/bike portion of triathlon training today and had an utter and complete fail. Since I couldn’t get my butt out of bed this morning to train with the team, I thought I could be clever and go later in the day. Well!! Sequence of events: 1. Get to the beach,…

Coffee to Go!

I LOVE iced coffee. Due to a lack of Dunkin Donuts in California, I make my own iced coffee with Dunkies brand at home. And then, of course, drown it in cream and sugar. I wanted iced coffee today at work. I wanted to bike to work. What do you know?? MY iced coffee container…

Dirty Dirty Dirty

I’ve posted before about my trail biking experience and how tough it was for me. Well, this morning I got out of the house by 7 AM to hit the trails!! I apologized to my road bike and road off into the canyon. Now, I have a dilemma. Long time readers may recall that I…