Rules of Cycling #452

Today I broke one of the Rules of Cycling – I did not make eye contact with a driver that was pulling out into the street. While biking home from a ride with friends, I saw a motorist ahead of me start to pull out into the main street. I thought ‘oh gee I’m sure…

Ring a Ding!

So last week people celebrated the day I was cut out of my mother’s body. It really should be a celebration for my mom, who not only had to gestate and birth me, but then put up with me for 18 years. One of my fabulous readers-turned-friend gave me some birthday gifts! I just recently…

Bike Lock #FAIL

So for all my griping about bike theft and posting videos about how to lock your bike, I realized today I am a major hypocrite. This is the ONLY bike lock I own. That’s it. And it’s already been chewed/rubbed in half. This is the worst kind of bike lock – one quick snip and…

Yeah, Dad!

While walking back from the market, I watched a group of four people bike down the hill towards me. Two men, two children. They were on regular bikes, not crappy beach cruisers. The boys were wearing helmets, the men were not. One of the men noticed me watching, and called out to me. Not sure…